
Showing posts from February, 2025

N4S: Porsche Unleashed--a 356 driving forward on Schwarzwald track with ...


I can't believe this happened! Pressure Testing EZ-Fit Fittings... DO NO...


Do Dems have the humility to work with Trump?: Watters


Congrats on enabling Super Thanks! You are on your way to adding a new revenue stream to your channel and building a stronger community. Now, on to step two: getting your audience to better understand and engage with Super Thanks.

DateSorted in ascending orderSorted in descending order Average hours in course Range of average hours Activity hours 1/27/25 0.95 0 - 4.5 16.28 (+11.78 above range) 2/3/25 6.3 0 - 19.56 62.92 (+43.36 above range) 2/10/25 6.03 0 - 17.04 52.67 (+35.63 above range) 2/17/25 4.37 0 - 11.39 33.78 (+22.39 above range)

Check out these membership perks! Hello. Thank you for joining! Welcome. Please inform if there is joy or disappointment in the channel. Is there an area of improvement needed? I do appreciate you.

Hello, Brad Schwarzkopf, Thank you for joining! Welcome. Please inform if there is joy or disappointment in the channel. Is there an area of improvement needed? I do appreciate you.

N4S: Porsche Unleashed a 356 driving forward at Cote d'Azur


There are two Greek forms

  There are two Greek forms of the word arrogance used in the New Testament, essentially meaning the same. Huperogkos means “swelling” or “extravagant” as used in “arrogant words” (2 Peter 2:18; Jude 1:16). What does the Bible say about arrogance? |

Detroit Ride: Bike trip from Detroit to the Micro Center in Madison Heig...


N4S: Porsche Unleashed 911 S forward travel on mirrored Autobahn track with traffic


N4S: Porsche Unleashed 914 1.7L at Zone Industrielle. Nvidia's driver release 572.16.


Detroit Ride: A bike ride to pay taxes, get lunch and see various shops in Detroit and Grosse Pointe


Today I posted this....but still learning...

  After reading my school book I have learned that most people sell. This is not a profession but just in life, some like to sell an idea, product, or even other situations. Reading is so valuable. I hope all is well.

GearCity 2005 reboot: Five-Five a Michigan-based manufacturer invests in staff and a new generation
